[olug] Weatherscan

Sean Kelly smkelly at zombie.org
Sat Dec 6 01:50:42 UTC 2003

For those of you with Cox Digital Cable, you might find this interesting.
This is a message that was sent to the FreeBSD developer list about FreeBSD
and The Weather Channel.

I guess we'll find out if I get in trouble for distributing developer mail
the hard way.

For those of you in the US, thought I'd send out a brief update about
FreeBSD and TWC.  If you have digital cable and have a channel called
'Weatherscan' or 'Weatherscan Local', there's a > 99% chance it is
being generated 24/7 on a FreeBSD box.  (I think perhaps 1 machine out
of the > 100 or so out there is not a FreeBSD box).  Also, FreeBSD is
going to be deployed on the core US network in the very near future.
I don't remember the exact number, but I think the current estimated
viewership for Weatherscan is somewhere in the 10's of millions per
day.  All watching content generated by a box running FreeBSD. :)

Sean Kelly         | PGP KeyID: D2E5E296
smkelly at zombie.org | http://www.zombie.org

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