[olug] Help w/ my server

Sam Flint harmonicnm7h at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 21:31:48 UTC 2012

> First thing you'll need is dynamic DNS; my stock answer to that is to
> purchase the domain from dyn.com and use the dyn.com nameservers.  You can
> set it up so your server will regularly report its IP to dyn.com, so anyone
> trying to reach yourdomain.com (or whatever) will be able to find out the
> current IP.
Um, no, I've had issues with dyn.com

> From there it's a matter of setting up the various services on your server,
> and any flavor of Linux should do.  The only one of those that could be a
> problem is SMTP if your ISP blocks port 25 traffic, so see if you can find
> out what restrictions, if any, they put on port 25 (or any other SMTP
> ports).
And yes, Cox does block all common SMTP ports.

> You can also set up this server to work as a router, so you can put one or
> more home users behind it.
Have a router to use, a MikroTik, and will buy a hub at bestbuy.

>> so, i have a new server that i'd like to run from home, short of
>> getting business internet(which is an option), what do you think i
>> could do to get it working as a web/ssh/smtp/pop/imap server?


Sam Flint

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