[olug] Help w/ my server

Lou Duchez lou at paprikash.com
Mon Jul 23 21:27:07 UTC 2012

First thing you'll need is dynamic DNS; my stock answer to that is to 
purchase the domain from dyn.com and use the dyn.com nameservers.  You 
can set it up so your server will regularly report its IP to dyn.com, so 
anyone trying to reach yourdomain.com (or whatever) will be able to find 
out the current IP.

 From there it's a matter of setting up the various services on your 
server, and any flavor of Linux should do.  The only one of those that 
could be a problem is SMTP if your ISP blocks port 25 traffic, so see if 
you can find out what restrictions, if any, they put on port 25 (or any 
other SMTP ports).

You can also set up this server to work as a router, so you can put one 
or more home users behind it.

> so, i have a new server that i'd like to run from home, short of
> getting business internet(which is an option), what do you think i
> could do to get it working as a web/ssh/smtp/pop/imap server?
> Sam

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