[olug] Looking for Open Source alternatives

Phil Brammer olug at wjjeep.com
Thu Nov 9 05:51:40 UTC 2006

On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 03:26:00PM -0600, Will Langford wrote:
> If you're just doing a simple select from a table, MySQL... sure...
> If you start needing subselects, views, ACID compliance, more
> extensibility/programability, etc.... PgSQL all the way :).

MySQL supports subqueries, views, ACID compliance, is very well versed for Web-based databases, especially PHP/Perl sites.

Don't knock MySQL unless you're up-to-date on its features.  They've come a long way in the past few years.  :)

Now, I'm not saying PostgreSQL isn't better.  But they each have their own place and the margin of differences seems to narrow every passing year.


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