[olug] Jim Esch for congress?

Neal Rauhauser neal at lists.rauhauser.net
Wed Nov 9 16:00:16 UTC 2005

The only way a Democrat can get elected in Nebraska is to be more
conservative than the Republicans... and these days that's pretty easy
:-/ The biggest question is, how many people are dissatisfied with

  My evangelical Christian friend characterizes Terry as 'useless'. A 
moderate or conservative Democrat would likely do the trick if he 
focused on local, business development issues.

  My only comment on Esch is... ehh 29 years old?

  A little young but with his history it seems like he skipped that 
whole college party scene. I guess I'd see who is behind him to get a 
sense of what he'll do - hopefully he has something of a cadre of 
advisors at this point ...

>On 11/8/05, Neal Rauhauser <neal at lists.rauhauser.net> wrote:
>>   I looked at Esch's site and its empty of any platform information. He
>>does seem to be all about local economic development which would be a
>>relief from Lee "Hollywood" Terry.
>>  But he is a Democrat ... I worry that he'll have lingered too much on
>>the First Amendment and failed to grasp the Second. I worry he'll get 52
>>kids from MoveOn.org and alienate 52% of Nebraska' Second District in
>>the process.
>>  Maybe we should get together and visit with him?
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