[olug] Computer Woes....

Craig Wolf cjwolf at mpsomaha.org
Thu Dec 15 02:42:51 UTC 2005

Joe, if you wanna drive out west with the system, we can look at it
together.  I will show you how to use the Knoppix CD and run Memtest and
how to move the mem around to see who is the problem.  Email me off list
for location.  8)

Craig Wolf
Linux Web Server Support
Desktop/Network Specialist

>>> olug at wjjeep.com 12/14/05 4:16 PM >>>
On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 02:06:10PM -0800, Joe Gulizia wrote:
> My machine locks up....
> replaced the power supply, switched ribbon cables and
> hard drives,  when I ran "Memory" under "Utilities" in
> SUSE 9.3 Professional the machine locked up and I
> couldn't even get the monitor to show a display
> (yellow light like the machine wasn't on as opposed to
> green light when on)....
> [SNIP]
> On startup machine only recognizes 512 Meg out of 1.25
> Gig of RAM....
> [SNIP]

Oh jeez...  Seems to be the month for lock-ups...  Hey, maybe it's
something freak like static electricity now that we're into winter?

Anyway, what motherboard do you have?  What type of memory are you
using?  Are the mem sticks the same type/speed?  Switch them around and
see what happens.  Can't hurt.

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