[OLUG] trade of RAM memories (fwd)

Rado Bonk bonkr at s-cwis.unomaha.edu
Fri Dec 17 20:20:44 UTC 1999

Subject: trade of RAM memories

Sorry if this is out of purpose of this list.
I have two aditional RAM memories. (from ULTRA1 which is out of order) I
don't know what kind of memories are they or how much MB they have. Since 
all my memory slots are full I would like to trade them for a SCSI floppy
drive for my SPARCstation LX. Maybe both of RAMs are worth for a floppy,
maybe one I am not shure. If anybody is interesting please contact me. I
am sending the "ram.jpg" of them.


PS:If they are worth for more I would appreciate bootable CDs of newest

Rado Bonk 
Department of Geography-Geology
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