[olug] Wazuh documentation on password management.

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 20:05:52 CST 2023

Wazuh "User manual" -> "User administration" --> "Password management"

"If you change the admin password, you must update it in Filebeat" *and the
Wazuh dashboard.  *

`# bash wazuh-passwords-tool.sh -u admin -p Secr3tP4ssw*rd`

Says if Wazuh setup is spread across multiple machines, eg: dedicated
machine for db, dedicated machine for indexer, then it takes more work to
change passwords.  I hope if one pretends their single machine Wazuh
deployment is a distributed deployment, then password changes would work.

Sounds like you do not use the web UI, but the CLI.  Best thing would be to
use `gopass` in a script to change passwords because many of them need to
be changed in more than one place.


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