[olug] Do you use ChatGPT or other AI tools?

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Sun Jan 22 11:02:29 CST 2023

I've played with it a bit over Christmas.  I used it to write a poem in the
style of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" about my family, I also used it
to generate a Ansible playbook to add a RHEL 8 system to a Windows AD
directory, a PowerShell script to automate a backup for a neighbor, and a
few other experiments.  I would check my history, but their website is
throttling itself right now (Sunday at 11AM).

Right now I view ChatGPT output as if it was generated by a first-year
engineer - it's a good starting point but it needs oversight and testing
before using it on something important, but it's a nice start in most cases.

The poem experiment did have a weird outcome.  The very first result was
very good, but when I had ChatGPT regenerate it, after the first stanza it
was essentially the original poem for the rest.  That was the result for
the next three regenerations, so I assume there's something in the code
that says "Hmm, $USER didn't like that result so let's go with something a
bit closer to the prompt they provided."

> (This email was not written by ChatGPT)
I wonder how long until this is a common (mandatory?) email warning?


On Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 8:07 AM Dave Thacker <dthacker9 at gmail.com> wrote:

> For our April meeting, I'm putting together a panel discussion on ChatGPT
> and other AI tools.  If you're interested in being on the panel, drop me an
> email or a PM on Disord.
> Dave.
> (This email was not written by ChatGPT)
> --
> Dave Thacker
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