[olug] Fedora update report -- man, it's gotten easy

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Fri Nov 2 21:42:19 CDT 2018

Just did my desktop over supper and it went off without a hitch.

Kids these days, I tell ya.  All the fun (ahem) we had recompiling kernels
to get new cards to work and then trying to figure out the X11 modelines...

Dan "The old Linux codger"

On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 7:15 AM Lou Duchez <lou at paprikash.com> wrote:

> As I typically do, I'm posting my report of the upgrade to the latest
> Fedora (now on 29).  I started doing this because updating used to be a
> little complicated at times, but the Fedora people have made it almost
> TOO easy lately.  The steps:
> 1)    Make sure you're up-to-date in the current Fedora.  (Probably not
> strictly necessary unless you're way behind on stuff.  Consider it a
> recommended measure prior to the actual update operation.)
> 2)    Install the update plugin with "dnf install
> dnf-plugin-system-upgrade", if you don't have it already.
> 3)    Download the Fedora 29 files with "dnf system-upgrade download
> --releasever=29".
> 4)    Perform the actual update with "dnf system-upgrade reboot".
> I don't know if they could realistically make it any easier.
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