[olug] Fwd: Council Bluffs TechBrew Launch: Are You Ready for some Talk & Brew?

Adam Haeder adam at adamhaeder.com
Mon May 5 16:09:39 CDT 2014

This is tomorrow night if anyone is interested. Go there, get a drink, then
make it back to downtown Omaha for OLUG :)


Council Bluffs Tech Scene:

  *   Q**:* What's missing?
    * A: *Informal gatherings where technologists, creatives, entrepreneurs
and hardcore geeks get together to talk over a beer (aka “Lubricated

After starting in Des Moines and gaining traction across the state, these
informal meet-ups are now coming to a venue near you: *Council Bluffs

Join us *Tuesday, May 6 from 5 -  7pm at Dixie Quicks (157 W. Broadway)*.
Cocktails and networking will begin promptly at 5pm - the first drink is on


*Local Host:*


*Brought to you by:*

*Valuable Sponsorship Opportunities Available*
* Email patrick at technologyiowa.org
<patrick at technologyiowa.org?subject=TechBrew%20Sponsorship> for more

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Adam Haeder
adam at adamhaeder.com

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