[olug] Tiny rack-mount chassis

Noel Leistad noel at metc.net
Thu Jan 16 17:38:31 UTC 2014

On 01/16/2014 08:34 AM, Obi-Wan wrote:
> On 01/16/2014 12:28 AM, Matthew Botts wrote:
>> I've got a dl380G5. Is this anything you'd be interested in?
> I don't think so.  Even the full-depth DL360 or X330 are a stretch for
> me.  A 2U DL380 would be way overkill.
> That RouterBOARD + NUC option looks interesting.  Probably not what I
> want this time around, but definitely worth filing away for future
> reference.
my 2 cents:
I have a Soekris 45xx that I used a while back, nice unit. I'd part w/
it cheap.

Currently using a Mikrotik RB2011 and those units have some quite cool

FWIW: picked up a Gigabyte Brix as a Christmas gift for my daughter,
used mSATA for hers which gave nice speed. Think they (Gigabyte) are
coming w/ a double height or better  unit that will support multiple 2.5
inch drives. Small, assume quite "green", and unfortunately, not cheap.

#  Noel Leistad, CISSP                                #
#  Internet System Administrator                      #
#  Marne & Elk Horn Telephone Co                      #
#  4242 Main Street                                   #
#  Elk Horn IA 51531                                  #
#                                                     #
#  noel at metc.net                                      #
#  Please visit our website: http://www.metc.net      #
#                                                     #

The keyboard isn't plugged in

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