[olug] Centos

Christopher Cashell topher-olug at zyp.org
Wed May 22 15:51:42 UTC 2013

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Aric <aric at omahax.com> wrote:
> If it is documented properly why would you ever need paid support?

You won't always have an expert on every function of a supported OS.
Additionally, not everyone supporting the infrastructure will always
be an expert.  Having good in-house Linux expertise can greatly reduce
the need for paid support, but if your business depends on it, it is
frequently worth paying for support.

Additionally, third-party vendors often require it.  If you want to
run Oracle, and have support from them (and you aren't going to run a
major Oracle installation without it), they require that the entire
stack (hardware, OS, etc.) be under active vendor support.


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