No subject

Mon Aug 12 20:06:32 UTC 2013

Line 1: Wrapper the whole thing in an "eval" to make the "my $sentry" work.
Line 2: Setup what to do when the alarm triggers.
Line 3: Set the alarm to go off in 5 seconds.
Line 4: Setup a new variable that only exists within the "eval" block. 
When the eval block exits, the $sentry variable object invokes the
Destroyer function.  (In this case it resets the alarm to 0, effectively
resetting the alarm on a good exit of the eval block.)
Line 5: Run the (possibly bad) code.  If it runs to completion within the
allotted time, the eval block exits, the alarm is reset, and the die never
gets called.  If the code takes too long, the die *is* called and the
whole script exits.

1: Will (should) this work even if the "long_running_code()" uses system()
and or back-ticks to call out to external programs?  (I realize those
programs could be left running - I'm ok with having the admin clean them
up once they are alerted to the code not returning at all...)

2: Are the alarm() and Object::Destroyer calls part of the base Perl
modules, or will I be visiting CPAN to get this working?  (How do I check
what's included out of the box vs. what has been installed over time?)

3: Is there any command-line magic that perl can be invoked with that will
cause Perl to call a specific function if it is left running for a long
period of time?  (i.e. perl --timeout 300 --timeout-sub
'MyExitSubroutine()' ./



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