[olug] Anyone still have a Dell PE 4350/450 (circa 1998) server...

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 19:20:13 UTC 2011

 i don't suppose anyone still has a Dell 4350 (circa 1998) server with
 working SCSI 80pin SCA hard drive connectors?  Have plenty of 80pin
 SCA machines but behind RAID controllers that want to see Raid0, not
 individual disks.  i used it as file storage for too long because it
 was FAST and always available. Files were not mission critical and too
 big to backup, such as media files and hard drive images.  Had started
 to move to new machines, but 2008r2 SMB2 can be extremely slow when
 talking to a SMB1 machine.  The hard drives are fine, but one of the
 Adaptec controllers on Motherboard started leaking fluid.

These are 8~10inch tall rack mountable with a deep depth and very
 large bay that can be opened from top.  Pic attached.

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