[olug] WM recommendation for switchers

Obi-Wan obiwan at jedi.com
Tue Sep 29 13:31:00 UTC 2009

> gnome.  less clutter -- easier comprehension

Agreed.  KDE's configuration is far too convoluted.  I'd never recommend
it to a newbie.  I use KDE at work & Gnome at home just to keep up on both,
and I curse KDE every time I have to hunt down how to change something.
I still use it, though, because there's some nice things that you just
can't do with gnome.

Ben "Obi-Wan" Hollingsworth                             obiwan at jedi.com
   The stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the
     Giver of all good things, so if I stand, let me stand on the
       promise that You will pull me through.  -- Rich Mullins

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