[olug] ubuntu irc

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Mon Oct 5 14:18:53 UTC 2009

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 00:42, Aric Aasgaard <aric at omahax.com> wrote:
> I'll idle.  I installed Ubuntu server yesterday.
> How does one follow the Ubuntu sudo rules and also use winscp with root
> privileges?

Are you asking "how do I configure WinSCP to connect to my Ubuntu
server as root without a password prompg"?

1: "sudo -i"
>> This gives you a root login prompt.
2: "ls -al ~/.ssh"
>> If there is an id_XXX and id_XXX.pub file (where XXX is either "rsa" or "dsa"), then skip the next step.
3: "ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024" (DO NOT run this if you alredy have an
id_dsa/id_dsa.pub file!)
>> This generates a new SSH DSA key at 1024 bits long.
4: Install the id_dsa.pub file into WinSCP session for this server.
>> I haven't done it in a while but you'll need to convert the .pub file to a .ppk (PuTTY Private Key file format).  IIRC PuTTY includes a converter utility.

The first connection might pop up some prompts confirming the
fingerprint of the Ubuntu server and ssh key used, but after that it
should be saved and file copy should be prompt-less.


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