[olug] OT: shoot me

Will Langford unfies at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 00:16:39 UTC 2009

Going bottom of the barrel cost effective, 2kAS and SQL2k.

So far looking into getting a DFS setup between the two servers for a
replicated file system between them and use as a poor man's SAN.  After get
that far, will look into MSCS stuff followed by SQL2k installed on top of
the MSCS stuff.

I severely hate reading MS documentation, by the second page you've been
inundated with 20 trillion buzz words and acronyms that are all intertwined
and just... blech heh.

Slowly making progress molesting some vmware sessions into a mock / test
setup heh.

I've seriously considered having some MS SQL Express 'heads' running within
vmware that translate to postgres backends under the host linux system ...
this way NLB would handle the IP failover in the Win VM's and with
everything talking to postgres backend that's configured HA ... it'd... just
work out :).  But... nah... I wanna do this a semi-appropriate way heh.

Appreciate the offers for help, haven't hit a dead end yet.  Will cry loudly
if I do :).  Apologies on top posting.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Charles.Bird <charles.bird at powerdnn.com>wrote:

> I do this sort of thing alot, I'm hoping your using windows2008, its easier
> that way.
> I even have documentation, part of which I could let you look at.
> Its way easier than most people think, whats the hurdle you need to cross?
> Peace,
> Charles "Sitting in the hot-isle" Bird

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