[olug] IMAPS proxy?

Barry Von Ahsen barry at vonahsen.com
Sat Jan 26 00:14:52 UTC 2008

Obi-Wan wrote:
>> Neither end of the stunnel has to be on the machine that is running 
>> stunnel (turning stunnel into the proxy).
>> On a machine that you want to run the proxy on:
>> stunnel -d imaps -r YOUR_MAIL_SERVER:imap
> Cool.  Thanks.  I've now got stunnel working swimmingly as my IMAPS proxy.
> BTW, the stunnel syntax, both for the command line and the config file,
> changed dramatically between versions 3 (as above) and 4 (which comes with
> RHEL 5), and the v4 docs don't really exist yet online.  Obtaining a working
> config was trial and error. :-(

care to share, then, for the benefit of google and all of humanity?

google is littered with "never mind, I figured out this really hard 
thing on my own, kthxbye" forum/mailing list posts


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