[olug] VirtualBox?

Luke -Jr luke at dashjr.org
Thu Apr 3 02:15:04 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 02 April 2008, Scott Jones wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 April 2008, Luke -Jr wrote:
> > On Wednesday 02 April 2008, Rob Townley wrote:
> > > If VirtualBox is hard to fork, i would guess only because impediments
> > > and lack of docs have been put up to make it hard.
> >
> > I think one primary factor is the company's (lack of) cooperation with
> > outside developers, preventing a developer community. A fork would bypass
> > this problem, but for the fork to take place in the first place, there
> > needs to be a community of developers prepared to maintain it.
> Why fork when license-compatible changes could be merged back into qemu's
> tree where possible?  At its core, VirtualBox *is* qemu.  

Really? First time I've heard anything of this sort.

Last time I checked, Innotek claims complete copyright over VirtualBox, so if 
this is true, they are infringing. Being GPL-2, even if they have put proper 
attribution in the fine print or something, they would still be in violation 
for the non-GPL versions.

Quite curious would also be that USB support is a non-GPL feature of 
VirtualBox, but supported by qemu.

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