[olug] Kubuntu sound and mounting external drives

Joe Gulizia jrguliz at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 22 20:39:55 UTC 2006

I just upgraded to Kubuntu Dapper Drake from Breezy

1)  My sound level dropped (using VIA chipset) enough
to notice and I'd like to know how to go back to the
old sound driver.

2)  I've tried to mount some external drives with no

I keep getting "Disk file format not found and none
was specified".  I have files on at least one of the
external drives (which I CAN read).  I know that one
other empty drive is NTFS.  I also have files on
drives that I can no longer access (I could read them
before the upgrade).

I've looked online and tried to make heads and tails
of it with no luck.  I've found something similar but
nothing dealing with that specific peoblem.

What commands do I need to know/use.  Should I send
the current FSTAB?

Thank you.

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