[olug] Low cost video recording

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Thu Feb 2 16:30:35 UTC 2006

On Thu, February 2, 2006 09:34, Joe Gulizia wrote:

> Craig,


> Try these links:


> http://www.zoneminder.com/


> http://www.exploits.org/v4l/  Video:

> Security/Webcams/Monitoring


> I'm hopeful that these help.


> Joe Gulizia

I too was thinking along the V4L lines -- you could get some inexpensive
USB cameras (with USB hubs and USB extenders if needed) and write some
perl scripts in a cron job to capture in 10-15 minute chunks (or longer
depending on need/space constraints).

I've never had access to a USB webcamera, let alone tried to hang multiple
from one Linux box so I don't know if there are any hidden


- - - -

"Wait for that wisest of all counselors, time." -- Pericles

"I do not fear computers, I fear the lack of them." -- Isaac

GPG fingerprint:6FFD DB94 7B96 0FD8 EADF  2EE0 B2B0 CC47 4FDE 9B68

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