[olug] LPI exams at NEbraskaCERT conference in August???

Aaron Grothe ajgrothe at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 18 04:24:36 UTC 2006

Hey Guys,

NEbraskaCERT has our conference coming up in August and we're
considering the possibility of inviting LPI down to offer the exams
again like Infotec did last year.

There are a couple of things:

o - It has to be able to almost break even: which means somewhere
around 35 people need to take tests for us not to lose money
o - It will only be the LPI 101 and LPI 201 tests again so you won't
be able to get a full cert without hitting prometric to take the
other half
o - Tests will hopefully be in the $35 - $50 range

So is there enough interest for it be worthwhile to have them come
down and do it at the NEbraskaCERT conference in August?  I'd be
willing to help out with Study groups or the like if that would help
make this happen.


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