[olug] Can't boot to 2.6 Kernel

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Sat Mar 6 18:00:10 UTC 2004

mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.2.6.3.gz  /usr/src/linux.2.6.3#

CM Miller said:
> linux.2.6.3# is a directory, why it say it isn't?

The "/usr/src/linux.2.6.3#" is a directory?  I wasn't expecting the "#" on
the end.  It is a perfectly valid directory name, so it is possible.

Can you double check by doing the following and e-mailing us the output?
1: "ls -al /usr/src | grep linux.2.6.3"
2: "ls -al /usr/src/linux.2.6.3#"

> So I will be able to reboot and choose the kernel of
> my choice (2.4 or 2.6) even though I get an error
> message each time I re-run ./sbin/lilo?

I don't have a system with LILO anymore -- went the way of the Grub... :)

When you run /sbin/lilo, and it has no errors, I think it just spits back
the label of each kernel it found in the config file.  If you run
"/sbin/lilo -v -t", what output does it spit back?

Daniel Linder

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