[olug] Suse 9.0 Pro ISOs on FTP server

Daniel Linder dan at linder.org
Mon Jan 12 15:44:50 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 22:59, Daniel Linder wrote:
> My home machine is pulling down disk5 at 355KB/sec right now (Sat night
> at
> 10:30PM).  Did anyone else notice any problems?

"Robert A. Jacobs" <r.a.jacobs at cox.net> wrote:
> Just tried again (Monday Morning, 1:18 AM) and this is what I got
> (output is from gFTP 2.0.16):
> Looking up ftp2.linder.org
> Trying ftp2.linder.org:21
> Connected to ftp2.linder.org:21
> 220 Welcome to the ftp2.linder.org ftp server.
> USER anonymous
> 331 Please specify the password.
> PASS xxxx
> 230 Login successful. Have fun.
> 215 UNIX Type: L8
> 200 Switching to Binary mode.
> 257 "/"
> 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,15,38,91,48,104)
> Cannot create a data connection: Connection refused
> Disconnecting from site ftp2.linder.org

Checking my logs for things happening with "vsftpd" about that time showed
the following (my system clock is off by 6 hours):

Jan 11 19:23:34 www2 vsftpd: warning: can't get client address: Bad file

So, checking the all-knowing "google" I found this link:

There is a bug with the tcpwrappers that causes this error message.  Since
vsftpd is running via init.d I don't need the tcpwrapers enabled so I hope
this works.  Can you try again?


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