[olug] Portal Software

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 22 21:24:34 UTC 2004

In response to Jeff Hinrichs comments:

"However, you didn't list the portal features that you
are interested in . . .  Sorry if I expanded your
comparison table by 1 "

I am looking for a way to easily manage
content/features/layout/design.  Themes, modules and
blocks originally peaked my interest in portal/cms
projects, as well as the use of a database on the

After the input and responses from the group so far, I
am still leaning toward the imatix htmlpp
(http://www.imatix.com/html/htmlpp/).  Although it is
not portal technology, htmlpp still greatly eases the
task of munging content into layout/design.  Through
cron scheduling, and even some cgi tricks, some of
this could be automated as well.

-=Sean Edwards=-

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