[olug] Re: Millard Computer Fair

OBrien, Timothy (Omaha Linux Users Group - OLUG) IrishMASMS at olug.org
Wed Apr 28 01:20:42 UTC 2004

<quote who="William Langford">
> Ever since the show that was moved to the Armory (and then shut down
> because of 9/11), the shows have proven to be... moot.  Finding anything
> other than what you'd see DIT is becoming increasingly difficult.  There
> are some vendors who show up with older goods and grab-boxes of old
> cards that can be fun to rummage through... but... there's little
> intrigue left.  I have little desire to see case mods or overpriced
> software.
> I've got a quad xeon, quad ppro, and a alphastation 500 400mhz that I
> would like to sell, but I know that taking them to the MCF because no
> one goes there looking for 'interesting' hardware anymore.
> -Will

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Now, to the topic at hand:

You are confusing the two shows. The show at the Holiday Inn is not the
same folks who used to operate the one at the Armory.

The Armory show (which was the original Omaha fair that had moved from
Radial) died not just due to 9/11 but to the organizers mis-management,
arrogance, and shady history/background. When it did die, some of the
local vendors & customers did move to the 'Millard' fair held at the
Holiday Inn - but not all. Many of the out of town vendors that used to
attend the Armory show have never been to the Millard fair, and quite
possibly do not even know there is still one going on - the organizer of
the Armory show refused to give out his vendor list nor the attendee list.
So there are a group of vendors & attendees from the Armory show that do
not know the Holiday In show even exists.

Also, many of the vendors were getting the surplus & rejects from Junkway
up in SUX. I do not believe that they are manufacturing systems in SUX any
longer, thus no extra parts & thus no surplus sold at the computer fairs.

Hence, part of the problem - limited vendors with limited stock.

It is hard as a vendor to know what to bring to a show. One month everyone
wants CRTs, and then for six months no one wants any. So the vendors stop
bringing them - and then 10 people ask if there are any monitors. You can
change 'CRT' for any other computer part - I have seen it time & time
>From my experience I have found the majority of vendors very accepting to
taking requests & working with customers to get what you need/want.
Hence, limited vendors with limited stock not knowing what the customer's
needs are.

Have you vocalized your concerns with the organizers of the Millard show?
Talked to your favorite vendors, asked them to bring what you are looking

What case mods have they had at the show? I have yet to see any.

Regarding your sale items, I would coordinate with the fair organizers to
get a table & for when they release the show reminder have a small blurb
for 'show specials" (so to speak) listing your items & the 'killer' deals
you are willing to let them go for. ;)
This has seemed to work for some individuals, YMMV.

Bottom line - the brilliant swap meet days at Radial are long over and
quite possibly are numbered. But if we get the word out to other vendors
to bring their stuff (and people to bring their extra stuff) while letting
people know this resource is available we could quite possibly bring the
fair close to the former glory.

Though, many of the hardware geeks have gone to the Internet to feed their
thirst. But that is a different thread altogether. =)

Timothy "Irish" O'Brien
Publicity & Social activities chairperson
Omaha Linux User's Group (OLUG)
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