[olug] April Luncheon with a Penguin

Tim & Alethea Larson thelarsons3 at cox.net
Fri Apr 16 02:05:33 UTC 2004

Rod Hurley wrote:

>Is there anyone who can get to China Buffet a little early and reserve a
>few tables?  Last month we had a "Chinese Fire Drill" and were seated
>all over the place.
>>>>thelarsons3 at cox.net 04/14/04 07:35AM >>>
>PS  First ones to China Buffet, see if you can reserve seats for 10. 
> Last time we didn't all get to sit together.

Yeah, I'm going to try to be there at 11:20, and grab seats for about 
10.  If someone beats me to it, please do the same.

I'll have my white Linux visor again, so look for me.  :)


Tim & Alethea

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