[olug] OLUG and the spam problem

olug olug at phpconsulting.com
Thu May 29 21:42:55 UTC 2003

Dear OLUG'ers:

If you've ever wondered why you're getting a lot of spam,
here is a one line script that ought to open your eyes:

lynx -source http://lists.olug.org/pipermail/olug.mbox/olug.mbox | grep ^From: | sed 's/......//'

I'd be particularly interested in hearing from anyone using Bayesian
filtering methods to combat the unsolicited email.  What implementations
do you use and how well are they working for you?

Finally, California and Massachusetts both have pending legislation
regarding the unsolicited email debacle.  Does anyone know whether such a
measure has been considered by the unicameral marvel also known as
the Nebraska legislature?


Mat Caughron
PHP Consulting

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