[olug] Challenge adding Perl Modules

CM Miller cmmiller1973 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 15 20:11:01 UTC 2003

--- ktb <xyf at nixnotes.org> wrote:

And why does my head hurt...too much beer?

> Why does my toe hurt? ;)
> What exact module are you trying to install?  Post
> the error messages you are 
> receiving.  

That's the real trick.  There are no error messages
output when installing rpms, and the only real output
is the hash marks and %, unless you know something
that I don't and want to share with the group here.   

>What switches are you using with "rpm"
> when you are trying to
> install the module?  

Example done as root: 

rpm -ivh perl-Tk-a.b-c.i386.rpm

And...nothing...no hash marks/%, just some clocking
and that is it.  The same if I tried perl-curses
module rpm as well.  

I've tried the rpms from here as well, no luck, and
not sure if it would make a difference or not. 


Winning an argument on the internet is like getting 1st place at the Special Olympics

GAIM ID:  cmmiller1973

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