[olug] OLUG Meeting 06/03/2003

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Tue Jun 3 17:25:12 UTC 2003

Sorry for the late posting, June has really snuck up on me.

-- cross posted to www.olug.org ---

The June 2003 meeting of the Omaha Linux User's Group will take place on 
Tuesday, June 4th, at 6:30 pm. The location will be the AIM Institute 
training center on the Clarkson College campus on 44th and Douglas in 
Omaha, NE. Directions and a map can be found at 

The topic will be the use of UPSes under linux and the speaker will be Jon 

We will also do a discussion about the upcoming Installfest.

Hope to see you all there!

Adam Haeder
Assistant Vice President of Information Technology
AIM Institute
adamh at omaha.org
(402) 345-5025 x115
PGP Public key: http://www.omaha.org/~adamh/pgp.html

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