[olug] take this poll

andrew olug at einer.org
Fri Feb 28 15:23:34 UTC 2003

Right,  I was picking nits.

The first sentence is just fluff.  The second statement is the only one 
that actually has any bearing within the list.  I've paraphrased the 
second statement as "If you are not the intended recipient, then you are 
notified that disclosure is prohibited."

I'll call the first half of the statement P and the second half Q.  

So, if P -> Q and P is false, then Q can be either true or false and the 
whole statement will remain true.  So, if I am the intended recipient 
(I'm "not not" the intended recipient), it doesn't matter if Q is true 
or false (disclose or don't, it doesn't matter), the whole statement is 

In the situation where P is true, statement Q must remain true for the 
entire statement to be true.  So, if I'm not the intended recipient (P 
is true), I can't disclose the info publicly.  Okay.  I have no problem 
with that because I AM the intended recipient.  If I'm not the intended 
recipient, and I'm browsing the public website, I'd better shut my eyes 
or I'll be forced to become notified that distribution of his e-mail is 

So, I posit again that Jeremy's trailer doesn't prevent him from posting 
on this list, it just makes his messages longer...

At least, that's how I read it.

Andrew Holm-Hansen

Brian Roberson wrote:

>In case you were not aware, we publicly archive this list. --  
>On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 03:48:11PM -0600, andrew wrote:
>>fwiw: Jeremy's trailer doesn't prevent him from posting on this list 
>>because none of the recipients (all of us) don't violate any of the 
>>conditions set forth by the trailer.  I'm an intended recipient, so the 
>>predicate doesn't apply (in either case).  
>>Andrew Holm-Hansen
>>ps and off topic: Jeremy, I thought YOU were the nazi system 
>>administrator.  :)  
>>Jeremy Bettis wrote:
>>>This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and 
>>>state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential 
>>>and legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, 
>>>you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or 
>>>action taken in reliance on the contents of these documents is strictly 
>>>prohibited. If you have received this information in error, please notify 
>>>the sender immediately and arrange for the return or destruction of these 
>>>documents. You may notify the sender via email (mailman at hksys.com) or via 
>>>phone (1-402.596.1294).
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>OLUG at olug.org

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