[olug] Missed it. (Installfest) (fwd)

Adam Haeder adamh at omaha.org
Mon Feb 17 16:08:13 UTC 2003

I got this request from an individual who missed the installfest. I'm 
forward it to the list in the hopes that someone can give him some 
pointers on where to start. If there is enough interest, maybe we can have 
an apache/tomcat overview at an upcoming meeting.

Adam Haeder
Technical Coordinator, AIM Institute
adamh at omaha.org
(402) 345-5025 x115
PGP Public key: http://www.omaha.org/~adamh/pgp.html

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 15:01:14 -0600
From: "Collard, John" <john.collard at aquila.com>
To: adamh at omaha.org
Subject: Missed it. (Installfest)

I was out looking around for contacts in Omaha that use Linux and just found out about the installfest when I found the OLUG webpage. That's where I also found your email address. 

I want to get into it, but don't have time to read and research issues thru untold HOWTO's and manpages. 

Here's what I currently use on a windows XP box:
(Standard stuff)
	- Word processing, Spreadsheet, Powerpoint, Browsing, etc.
	- Tomcat, Apache, JRE/JDK 1.3.1, mySQL, eclipse 2.1

I would like help in getting up and running with Linux, OpenOffice, Tomcat, Apache, Java, mySql & eclipse.  But I do not have the time to figure out how to get EVERYTHING going at once -- I still need to maintain some productivity while I learn the OS. 

If you know someone that is willing to help me out, please let me know.

> John Collard
> Aquila, Inc.
> 7101 Mercy Road, Suite 400
> Omaha, NE  68106
> voice: 402-926-5236  fax: 402-996-9736 
> email: john.collard at aquila.com

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