[olug] Pocket Rescue (was Knoppix question)

Vincent.Raffensberger at dtn.com Vincent.Raffensberger at dtn.com
Mon Dec 22 07:40:04 UTC 2003

Bob, Regarding the bbc-lnx project:  That looks pretty nice, but I'm 
trying to make a pocket cd with more than just Linux rescue tools.

Sean, Thanks for the suggestions. 
I'll surely get 'minicom' in there.  I have a personal distaste for it 
though.  It's ticked me off enough that I just use a getty in inittab to 
bind a serial connection to a virtual terminal...
I'll look into 'mc'.  I didn't realize many people used it other than from 
a gui wrapper.  It shouldn't be a problem though.
I had opted for 'wget' rather than 'lynx' due to the size.  If there's 
still room, I'll add it too.
I already have joe, pico, nano, emacs and vi.
I don't see much use for nntp in a rescue environment, but email could 
come in handy.
Which email client would you suggest (other than telnet :) ?

The Linux rescue stuff is taking around 38Mb (compressed - cramfs).
The memtest, ntpasswd and freedos are taking up another 9-10 Mb.

Here's a full list of what's in the Linux mode so far. 
alias                   exit                    lvmsar popd     tcpdump
anaconda                export                  lvreduce printf       tee
arp                     false                   lvremove probe  telnet
badblocks               fc                      lvrename                ps 
basename                fdisk                   lvscan pump     test
bash                    fg                      makedevs pushd       then
bg                      fi                      mattrib pvchange      time
bind                    file                    mbadblocks pvcreate   
break                   find                    mcd pvdata  top
builtin                 for                     mcopy pvdisplay    touch
bunzip2                 free                    md5sum pvmove  traceroute
busybox                 fsck                    mdadm pvscan    trap
bzcat                   fsck.ext2               mdel pwd   true
bzip2                   fsck.ext3               mdeltree python       tty
case                    fsck.reiserfs           mdir python2.2   tune2fs
cat                     ftp                     mdu raidstart  type
cd                      function                mformat raidstop  typeset
chattr                  getopts                 minfo rcp    ulimit
chgrp                   grep                    mini-wm rdate      umask
chmod                   gunzip                  mkdir read    umount
chown                   gzip                    mkdosfs readlink  unalias
chroot                  hash                    mke2fs readonly     uname
chvt                    hdparm                  mkfs.ext2 reiserfsck   
clear                   head                    mkfs.ext3 rescue-startx    
clock                   help                    mkfs.jfs reset       until
cmp                     history                 mkfs.msdos resize2fs   
command                 host                    mkfs.vfat restore  
compgen                 hostname                mknod return  vgcfgrestore
complete                hwclock                 mkraid rlogin     vgchange
continue                id                      mkreiserfs rmMore--   vgck
cp                      if                      mkswap rmdir     vgcreate
cpio                    ifconfig                mktemp rmmod     vgdisplay
cut                     in                      mlabel route     vgexport
date                    insmod                  mmd rpm  vgextend
dd                      jmacs                   mmount rpm2cpio  vgimport
ddcprobe                jobs                    mmove rrestore    vgmerge
debugfs                 joe                     modinfo rsh      vgmknodes
declare                 jpico                   modprobe scp  vgreduce
depmod                  kill                    more sed   vgremove
df                      killall                 mount select    vgrename
dig                     kudzu-probe             mpartition set  vgscan
dirname                 lessre--                mrd setxkbmap  vgsplit
dirs                    let                     mren sfdisk   vi
disown                  list-harddrives         mshowfat sftp  vncconfig
dmidecode               ln                      mt                      sh 
do                      loadkeys                mtools shift     wait
done                    local                   mtr shopt  wc
du                      logout                  mtype shred    wget
dump                    losetup                 mv sleep which
e2fsadm                 ls                      mzip sort   while
e2fsck                  lsattr                  nano source   whoami
e2label                 lsmod                   nc ssh xargs
echo                    lspci                   netstat stty      XFree86
elif                    lvchange                nmap suspend   xsetroot
else                    lvcreate                nslookup swapoff  Xvnc
emacs                   lvdisplay               open swapon   yes
enable                  lvextend                parted sync     zcat
env                     lvmchange               pico syslinux
esac                    lvmcreate_initrd        pidof tac
eval                    lvmdiskscan             ping tail
exec                    lvmsadc                 pivot_root tar

Sean Edwards <cybersean3000 at yahoo.com> 
Sent by: olug-bounces at olug.org
12/21/2003 09:59 PM
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Omaha Linux User Group <olug at olug.org>

RE: [olug] Knoppix question

--- Bob McCoy <bob at mccoy.net> wrote:

> I still have a little space left.  Suggestions?

How about some communication utilities:

mc (Midnight Commander)
Lynx (text web browser)
A "reasonably sized" editor (joe, pico or vi/vim)
A text email client
A text news client

-=Sean Edwards=-
cybersean3000 at yahoo.com

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