[olug] Too Cool!

Carl Lundstedt clundst at unlserve.unl.edu
Fri Oct 18 01:10:10 UTC 2002

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 19:17, Quinn Coldiron wrote:
> That's cool.  Back in 1996 I wrote a paper on replacing WindowsNT with
> Linux/Samba as I had done for a department at UNL.  Somebody sent it to
> CmdrTaco and it got posted as a main story on Slashdot.  I felt the
> Slashdot effect on my server for a week solid.  The hard drive lights
> stayed solid red for almost a week!

THAT WAS YOU?  Hlug linked to that story for a long time, knowing only
that the author was from UNL.  I don't know if we still have that linked
to somewhere or not....hmmmmm

Carl Lundstedt

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