[olug] lpd error messages

Don E. Kauffman dkauffman at tconl.com
Thu Oct 10 19:58:41 UTC 2002


I've been getting some lpd error messages on startup and I'm not quite sure 
what they mean. As best I can tell, they mean I don't have a ip addres for 
that hostname. 


lpd[785]: Get_local_host: hostname 'kauffman2443.tconl.com' bad
Get_local_host: hostname 'kauffman2443.tconl.com' bad
lpd: lpd startup succeeded 


My question is how would one go about inserting the ip address one gets from 
dhcp iinto the hosts file? Is there another way around this?
I'm running RH 7.2 with the 2.4..9-34 version of the kernel. Internal 
networking is set up with static ip's. External is dhcp. 

eth0 ip uses dhcp and named kauffman2443.tconl.com
eth1 ip uses static ip and named  dkauffman 
printer is on M$ box.

File sharing from the M$ via samba won't work either.The opposite wil work 
from the linuc box to the M$ box. (I can see the shared drives on the M$ box 
in Linux Neighborhood.)

I'm sure there's a fix for this I just haven't found it yet.

Where can I go to find a fix? (not drugs, BTW!!) :-)


Don Kauffman 

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