[olug] Advice on a white box builder

Craig Wolf CJWolf at mpsomaha.org
Thu Jun 27 21:46:58 UTC 2002

They will get you coming and going on upgrades and repairs.  You are
not allowed to open the case or you void the warranty!  There is also a
charge for even looking at the system, even if it is a hardware issue
that they have to fix.  
Great place to buy parts.  I spend at least 10% of my income there
yearly.  They are like my church, just more fun.  8<)

Craig Wolf
Linux/Web Server Support
Desktop/Network Specialist
Support Services Center
Millard Public Schools

>>> gvanmill at unmc.edu 6/26/2002 >>>

Check out DIT 72nd near Blondo.  www.ditcorp.com 

                    Jeff Hinrichs                                      
                    <JeffH at delasco       To:     "'olug at olug.org'"
<olug at olug.org>                          
                    .com>                cc:                           
                                         Subject:     [olug] Advice on
a white box builder                  
                    03:13 PM                                           
                    Please respond                                     
                    to olug                                            

I'm looking for input on a white box builder.  Can be either local or
online.  I need to replace some PCs at work and don't want to fork out
what the majors are asking.



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