[olug] How secure is SSH?, or Secure File Transfer?

Jeff Hinrichs JeffH at delasco.com
Thu Sep 13 14:26:49 UTC 2001

For windows: Putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/)
It is a solid SSH client for windows.  They also have:
pscp	- an scp client for windows
psftp  - a secure ftp client
and more.

Source is available.  Free

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Homan [mailto:dave_cog at hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:23 AM
To: olug at bstc.net
Subject: [olug] How secure is SSH?, or Secure File Transfer?

I need remote access to my machine while I'm at work, there's no way
it.  I don't like telnetting my passwords and keystrokes to every script
kiddie with a promiscuous eth-card.  The obvious and easy solution is to
SSH.  It's working like a charm for now but let me ask how secure is
Has anybody run into any security issues with it?

Also, about remote file transfer.  I don't want to use ftp, and scp is
of a pain (i can get it to work copying from *nix machine to *nix
but not if one of the machines is a win machine, ie my work machine) so
there any alternatives to ftp for secure remote file transfer?

-dave h-

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