[olug] Omaha area 802.11 wireless community network?

Chris Garrity m0ntar3 at home.com
Sat Sep 1 06:35:01 UTC 2001

    The routing aspect of is the part I'm trying to understand (and the 
array of possible hardware configurations). It's been suggested to me 
that the hardware should do spanning tree, which is or is not included 
within how ospf works? I found that hardware configurations range from 
between $100 (do-it-yourself) to $700.

    Issue number one is cost, it's "Free Like Speech Not Beer". The 
second is security; from proxy web surfing to full-ip services. The 
third is routing. And lastly there's uplink, does one node on the 
network provide connectivity to the Big-I, or is it shared amongst 
nodes, if so how?

    But these don't have to be worked out all at once, like the Big-I 
back from it was the Big-I --- first there's one node. 


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