[olug] Buisness ISP's

Matthew Platte plattem at inetnebr.com
Tue Jan 9 07:11:50 UTC 2001

What area?  Can you get Internet Nebraska (Alltel) DSL?  They're about as
tolerant as you can get about upstream and server-type issues.  You would
have to use an Alltel DSL, though, since USWest/Qwest wasn't viable in
Omaha, last I heard.
If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible
                                  ~ Catherine Aird

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jon [mailto:thechunk at usa.net]
  Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 11:31 PM
  To: olug at bstc.net
  Subject: [olug] Buisness ISP's

  I know this is way off topic but does anyone run a buisness
  website?  I am curious about prices/ problems / availability of
  bi directional connections with no one cutting me off for using
  too much upstream.  Any advice / warnings / information would
  help me out a lot.  I noticed a company called mitec that
  provides DSL lines.  Is this the way to go?  It seems Cox's
  buisness packages are far more expensive than this and I don't
  have a particular fondnes for QWest.  Anyway if anyone has
  experience in this area I would apreciate it.

  -Jon Warren

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