[olug] KRUD CD's

gvanmill at unmc.edu gvanmill at unmc.edu
Wed Feb 14 15:03:56 UTC 2001

Yah, I would be willing to try it.  How do we get it?

kaygee <kegaut01 at willy.wsc.edu> on 02/13/2001 06:13:26 PM

Please respond to olug at bstc.net

To:   olug at bstc.net

Subject:  [olug] KRUD CD's

Hey all,
Somebody from tummy.com (they do Linux consulting out of Colorado) just
emailed me with an offer of free KRUD (Kevin's RedHat Uber Distribution)
CD's (basically RedHat 7 with all updated security, errata, etc), and I
though I'd ask you guys if you would be interested.

If you want more info on this distro head on over to www.tummy.com/krud
Let me what you guys think.

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