[olug] BYOD - Bring Your Own Distribution to the next meeting?

Jeff Hinrichs jlh at home.com
Wed Aug 8 23:56:20 UTC 2001

After attending the last meeting is occurred to me that we should have
copies of various *nix distributions on hand at the meetings.  Someone on
the list asked for a copy of RH7.1 so I  brought it to the meeting.
Although, that person didn't make the meeting another member at the meeting
was looking for a copy so I happily gave it to him. (to the person who
originally asked: I'll bring another copy of to the next meeting<g>)

If everyone brought a copy of their distribution to the meeting we could
distribute them to any who needed/wanted a copy.  This might be a good way
to get increased attendance at the meetings.  Any dists not handed out at
the meeting would be left behind for the next and over time we could build a
small cache that we could use for just this purpose and have on hand for the
next installfest.

What does everyone else think?


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