[olug] services

Daniel Pfile pfiled at marietta.edu
Sat Sep 9 06:12:32 UTC 2000

That is correct.


You have things running outside of inetd. RPC portmapper, apache,
sendmail, etc. Use the rc scripts I mentioned to kill those.

| Daniel Pfile        | I'm too cool for a signature |
| pfiled at marietta.edu |                              |

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, mesc wrote:

> Oh ok,I just had ftp & telnet & auth uncommented in /etc/inetd.conf and I
> commented out ftp & telnet so the only service I should have running now is
> auth,would that be right? I'm not in linux now so I can't try it.Thank you for
> explaining it to me.
>             Thanks again,Gary Martin

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