[OLUG] SCSI vs. IDE Burner

Phil Brutsche pbrutsch at creighton.edu
Thu Jan 27 22:57:58 UTC 2000

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Why would an ATAPI drive need to be set up with SCSI emulation?

Even the ATAPI drives take the SCSI command set.

> I would assume the newest kernels would take care of that.

Not that I know of.

> I said before that the SCSI is more expensive.  This is because I
> don't have a SCSI card and would have to purchase one.

SCSI cards aren't necessarily expensive.  It depends on the card you get:
an Adaptec 2940U2W is expensive ($200); an Adaptec 2930U is less expensive
($100).  If this is pretty much the only SCSI device you're going to have
then a 2902 PCI card will be more than sufficient.  IIRC they cost <$50.

> If you already have SCSI then the price would be the same.  But if you
> already have SCSI then you know how to run it and it would be easy to
> set up.

> I have no SCSI experience and therefore would have to learn about the
> SCSI workings of linux making it harder (more time consuming) to set
> up.

It's not any harder just more stuff to keep track of (ok so that would
make it harder for some people...).  IMO SCSI is just as easy as IDE.

> I could always say it is too easy and let somebody else do it though.
> :)  (Where's Phil?)
> Vincent you mentioned your system and that you like the Plextor SCSI
> burner and CDROM.  Is there any reason that an IDE burner with a 4MB
> buffer couldn't do as good a job?


> Is IDE more CPU intensive than SCSI?  Why?

Phil Brutsche					pbrutsch at creighton.edu

"There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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