[OLUG] Fw: Elfbowl game makes hub flash????

Chris Garrity m0ntar3 at home.com
Fri Dec 3 00:30:29 UTC 1999

Whenever I initially open Internet Explorer 5.0's Location drop-down box
under NT, my cable modem flashes ....

Mike McNally wrote:
> I got by email a game elfbowl.exe.  Great game on the first run.  Subsequent
> runs only cause the hub to flash.  I am wondering if these elves are up to
> no good?
> A dejanews search only turned up good comments on the game (12), but I am
> still concerned.  There is just no reason for a single user bowling game to
> be causing my hub to flash.
> Needless to say, I have no idea what to do, beyond deleting the game, that
> is.
> Mike McNally    mmcnally3 at prodigy.net
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