[olug] 2015 is almost here. What are your plans?

Jon Larsen jon at jonlarsen.us
Fri Dec 12 06:51:15 CST 2014

It's almost 2015, time to start thinking of your New Years resolutions.
Why not say to yourself, I should present at OLUG.

We are looking for presenters for Q1 2015 (January 6, February 3, and March
3).  Presentations can be as short at 20 minutes or as long as 1 hour.

Please let me know if you would like to present.

Also, what topics are you interested in hearing about?

Do you like the basics or more advanced topics?

Do you want to mix it up and have a meeting that is a mini-install fest?

Would you like a show and tell segment during the meeting?

Do you prefer more hands-on approaches to presentations, with live hardware?

What is the value you get from OLUG?

Remember, OLUG free and open, and made up of it's members.  You make OLUG
and it's community what it is.

Happy Holidays
Jon Larsen

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