[olug] Postfix Issuez

Shawn L. Djernes shawn at djernes.org
Wed May 15 23:56:07 UTC 2013

Looks like you are probably sending mail from a dynamic IP and Google will not allow that to directly send mail. I have seen this before. I would recommend you setup a smart host. So if you are a Cox user use the Cox SMTP server as a smart host. 

If you are using Debian or Ubuntu you can set the up by running dpkg-reconfigure postfix. On the RedHat based distros the setting should be in main.cf. 

Shawn L. Djernes
SD Consulting
E-mail: sdjernes at gmail.com
Phone: +1 402 350-6973
FAX: +1 888 297-6310

On May 15, 2013, at 18:39, Sam Flint <harmonicnm7h at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, i have postfix configured except for outgoing.  I get this error.
> Message not sent. Server replied:
> Transaction failed
> 554 5.7.1 <harmonicnm7h at gmail.com>: Relay access denied
> Log says:
> May 15 23:38:17 bell postfix/smtpd[17345]: connect from localhost[::1]
> May 15 23:38:17 bell postfix/smtpd[17345]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> localhost[::1]: 554 5.7.1 <harmonicnm7h at gmail.com>: Relay access denied;
> from=<swflint at flintfam.org> to=<harmonicnm7h at gmail.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<
> bell.flintfam.org>
> May 15 23:38:17 bell postfix/smtpd[17345]: lost connection after RCPT from
> localhost[::1]
> May 15 23:38:17 bell postfix/smtpd[17345]: disconnect from localhost[::1]
> Any ideas?
> -- 
> Sam Flint
> flintfam.org/~swflint
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