No subject

Mon Aug 12 20:06:32 UTC 2013

Area-51 m17x, or a Lenovo W700.

The base price for the Lenovo is above my limit, so it goes off the list.

The Alienware Area 51 comes to $2500, and the Precision comes to $2700.
(Ouch either way!)

The Precision goes up to 16GB, but the Area-51 only goes up to 8GB RAM.  (I
hear myself saying "But when will I need more than 8GB...?" and then I hear
this haunting "Who needs more than 640K?!?!")

The Precision also has a "RGB" back-lit display (as opposed to CFL - compact
florescent light).  I hear the RGB version gives more precise color, but
since I don't do photo-shop type work, will this really matter? (It's a
$100+ upgrade from standard LCD)

Anyone have any recent experience with the Precison line of laptops?  Are
they worth the extra premium in terms of reliability and overall fit and

Right now I'm leaning toward the Dell.  Anyone know if there is a way to
have their refurbished site e-mail (page!) me when a system matching my
specs comes available?


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" (Who can watch the watchmen?) -- from the
Satires of Juvenal
"I do not fear computers, I fear the lack of them." -- Isaac Asimov (Author)
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