[olug] AirPlay on Linux

Kenny Kant akennykant at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 05:42:29 UTC 2012

This weekend I ran across a very cool program.  I am sure a lot of you 
have probably already been doing this for quite some time but this was 
new to me!  My wife and I are huge iPhone users and often time listen to 
music on our phones around the house and also listen to podcasts ..etc  
I have always wanted to get an AirPort express so I could take advantage 
of Apple's AirPplay functionality and thus direct an audio stream to a 
set of speakers in the room that I was in.  However I could never bring 
myself to spend the money.  Our house has 3 MythTv units with 
speakers..  why not use them!  I found this the program called 
"ShairPort" which is a simple program that allows you to turn your linux 
box into an audio only AirPlay target.   Now I can play music from 
itunes to all the rooms in my house at once or manually direct audio to 
the room I am in when I want it. Without having to hook up my iphone to 
a stereo cable.

Freakin awesome.



Hope you find it useful too!


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