[olug] [OT] Site to host a mailing list.

Dan Linder dan at linder.org
Tue Feb 21 03:17:15 UTC 2012

A non-profit/free mailing list I've been on for a long time is loosing the
server that is running the Mailman mailing list service.  The list is
fairly small in the grand scheme of things (~700 members), and low volume
(roughly 2-5 e-mails per day).

One thought is to go to Google Groups, but we'd like to make the change
fairly transparent - hopefully moving to a new Mailman server would make
that more so.  Additionally, I know a lot of people are uncomfortable about
having Google have yet another "hook" into their lives, so that move might
drive off some members.

1: Anyone have a box already running Mailman that they would let us host
this site on?
2: Has anyone migrated from Mailman to Gooogle Groups?  If so, how was the


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